Box VDR operates in the market since 2005 and during the last 10 years managed to gain an army of devoted users. What clients value the most in the platform is its simplicity. Some experts and users compare the room to DropBox to emphasize how clear and intuitive the exploitation of Box is. But what makes it different for the freemium services is the more serious attitude toward the information defense: Box is not just a convenient service for archiving and spreading photos – it is a fully functional secure data room.

Box as convenient service

Being amidst the best virtual data room providers, Box offers its users all the tools they expect to have in a course of deal-making. The room can be easily set up and updated due to bulk uploading options while the files can be edited owing to the integration with Microsoft Office. The VDR administrators have all the rights to manage the flow of users: they may impose limitations on access to certain files, they may prevent visitors from printing and downloading documents, they may indicate the expiry period for files, etc. Hence, the room owners have a complete freedom of actions. Moreover, the room can be customized to make it look consistent with the corporate identity of the client.

The platform is equipped with all the necessary tools and features that ensure successful business conduct. But it proves to be more convenient for small and middle-sized clients: large corporations should better choose an assistant among other data rooms. Even though Box is a decent platform it might lack some features introduced in the market lately: the vendor produces not only virtual repositories and might implement the new solutions not that quickly as other providers.

Anyway, this fact does not deny the efficiency and functionality of Box. To make sure this room suits the need of a company, the one may test the repository during 14 days for free – this is the period of the free trial.